Actor Carlos PenaVega testified how he found God after hitting rock bottom in the past.
Carlos PenaVega
In an interview with Faithwire, actor, and singer Carlos PenaVega shared his life testimony and how he came to start a relationship with Jesus Christ. He grew up as a Catholic and has always known God but didn’t have an intimate relationship with Him.
“I grew up Catholic,” he said. “I did like the whole first communion… all that stuff, but it never meant anything. It was just a box. I knew of God, but I didn’t have a relationship.”
During his college years, despite dating a Christian girl and trying to attend Sunday services, he fell into the dark path. He started smoking weed and drinking which eventually led him to depression.
“It wasn’t until I really hit rock bottom … I was smoking a lot of weed,” Carlos said. “I was drinking and I was sleeping around, I locked myself in my house and I was ordering food and I was just miserable. And I knew that there was something more for me.”
But everything changed when he visited a small church in Inglewood, California with his Christian friend, Andrew.
“The bishop comes up, and he preaches his sermon, and he’s like, ‘Let me tell you a little story about a guy, myself, who was 23,’ and … he’s like, ‘Man, I was smoking drugs,’” he recalled. “And I was like, ‘Oh, OK. I’m smoking drugs, too.’ He’s like, ‘I was sleeping around.’ I was like, ‘Me too.’”
Carlos felt that the preacher was speaking directly to him. That’s when he felt the need to accept Jesus Christ in his life.
“He preaches his whole sermon, literally directly into my soul and after it finishes, I was just [like], ‘This is what I want. … I’m on this Jesus high now.’”
The following week, he met his wife Alexa during a Bible study that he attended for the first time. Today, he is boldly proclaiming the Gospel to everyone as a successful Hollywood actor and a father of three children.
“My job is to spread God’s love to everyone … That’s my job. Everything else is to hobby.”
Reference: Faithwire
Header Image: Carlos PenaVega [@therealcarlospena]. Carlso PenaVega. Instagram, December 20, 2022,