King David was undignified in worship and he was willing to appear foolish for God, you and I are called to embrace a radical expression of our faith, letting go of the fear of judgment from the world. How undignified are you willing to be in your worship?
Today’s Bible Verse
“I will make myself yet more contemptible than this, and I will be abased in your eyes. But by the female servants of whom you have spoken, by them I shall be held in honor.” 2 Samuel 6:22
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Put Into Action
So often it is fear of man that holds us back from extravagant, undignified worship. We have learned to care more about what people think about us than what God thinks about us. King David teaches us this important lesson: you and I are to live for an audience of One, not the masses. I don’t know about you, but I want to be known as a person after God’s own heart, but that requires looking sometimes like a fool to everyone but God.
Practical Prompts:
Expressive Worship: During your private worship time, don’t hold back. Express your gratitude, love, and devotion to God with genuine emotion. Sing, dance, or kneel—whatever allows you to connect deeply with Him.
Random Acts of Kindness: Embrace “foolish” acts of love in your daily life. Whether it’s offering a kind word to a stranger or performing a random act of kindness, let your actions reflect the love of Christ in ways that might be unconventional.
Share Your Faith Boldly: Don’t shy away from sharing your faith. Be open and unapologetic about the transformative power of Christ in your life. Your boldness might be perceived as “foolish” by the world, but it could also be the spark that ignites someone else’s faith.
Celebrate Victories Loudly: When God works in your life, celebrate loudly. Share your testimonies with others, giving glory to God for His faithfulness. Let your joy and gratitude be contagious.
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