Pregnancy is Beautiful!
“I am pregnant” For any woman, these three words carry a deluge of questions and emotions behind them. The nine months of pregnancy more often than not conjure images of fear, anxiety, pain and suffering. But this is far from what God intended it to be.
Isn’t it awesome how God has creatively designed pregnancy so that we can bring forth the fruit of our body?
Sadly, we live in a fallen world and the devil is quick to steal, kill and destroy the joy of childbearing (John10:10). However, if you are a child of God, the price for your sickness and pain has been paid in full by Jesus on the Cross, and you no longer have to accept the lies the devil throws at you. (Isaiah 53:4-5).
So, if you think that sickness, nausea, pressure problems, worry, and pain are natural to your pregnancy; I invite you to reconsider.
Jesus has already paid for your healing and good health, and that includes your pregnancy too! He wants you to enjoy every second of your pregnancy and not drag each day struggling in your body and mind.
So once you know this, what do you need to do?
Well, all you have to do is to take God at His Word and renew your mind (Romans 12:2).
I will have a beautiful pregnancy
God’s Word is infallible and the only thing that can be relied upon. (Psalm 89:34)
He absolutely loves it when His children live by what His Word has to say!
The devil will tell you, “You will not be able to handle your pregnancy.” Be willing to fight with him and say, “My Father says I will have a beautiful pregnancy. I am taking Him at His Word and so I refuse to believe your lies.”
Remember God in His sovereignty has won every battle that you will ever face in your life. But if you are not standing on His finished work; or if you are not living your lives in total surrender to Him or if you are ignorant of your authority in Christ Jesus, you can become an easy victim for the devil.
You see, the miracle begins when you start believing in His Word. This also means you don’t have to wait to see it happen with your natural eyes!
Your pregnancy is going to be beautiful. And as you believe, you shall receive!
This article was written by Kim D’Souza who, together with he husband Derrick, leads Kingdom Seekers International Church in Mumbai, India. Kim‘s calling is to encourage and edify believers through both the written and spoken word. She is the author of ‘It’s Your Turn for a Beautiful Pregnancy,’ and is an avid blogger, read more at