After encountering the Holy Spirit, a Baltimore drug dealer is leading people to Jesus.
Baltimore Drug Dealer
Aaron Livers was established in his business dealing drugs in Baltimore. At the early age of 20, Aaron was known in the city. People respected and feared him because of his position. Aaron also raised up others to deal for him.
He had everything he wanted, and he could get anything he wanted. Aaron became prideful and arrogant, but deep inside; he was disgusted with himself.
Getting involved in drugs includes losing people’s lives and murders were routine for them.
One day, when Aaron was driving home with one of his friends, a shooter tried to take Aaron’s life. Aaron took the shots as he covered his friend. And he remembered praying, “God, don’t let me die like this.”
The next thing he knew, he opened his eyes and found himself in the hospital alive.
Jesus loves you
A nurse who tended to him offered to pray for him, which Aaron welcomed. She told him that Jesus loves him and has a purpose for his life.
When Aaron completely recovered, he went back to his friends. They returned to what they usually did, but for some reason, Aaron felt he didn’t belong anymore.
He went home and sat on his couch. And then, all of a sudden, he felt God’s presence enveloped him. Aaron recalled, “I never felt love like this in my life. I felt this overwhelming peace, overwhelming love, overwhelming sensation just start coming over me.”
Confused with the situation, Aaron opened his phone, and saw a video of a pastor talking about God’s love. He wept as he knew right then that God was filling him up.
Then, Aaron decided to read the Bible, and it started his walk with Jesus. For the next few days, he would spend his time with Jesus.
Leading People To Jesus
He left drug dealings and God gave him a new business. Everyone that knew him saw the change.
Eventually, his wife, who saw firsthand how God transformed Aaron’s life, followed Jesus.
And today, Aaron’s bible study, which began with only two people, now becomes a gathering of believers hungry for Jesus. He is now the pastor of The Commission, with a mission of bringing Jesus to others.