It’s a New Year! Time for Holy Resolutions
It’s that time of year, as one year ends and another begins. What better time to make some resolutions for change? Webster defines resolutions as the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute. It’s predetermining a course of action before you get there. Any lasting change you want to achieve has to start by being prepared mentally and setting goals on what you want to achieve. And then you have to have a made up mind that you are going to get there. This year I challenge you to fully commit your goals or resolutions to God!
Daniel Resolved to be Holy
While reading the Bible, I came across a perfect example of being resolute in the book of Daniel. “…Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself…” (Daniel 1:8). Early in our journey of meeting Daniel and learning about his life, we see this important resolution. Long before becoming a successful politician and leader for his time, Daniel purposed or committed to be holy.
He predetermined to keep God first and not allow anything that would defile him in his life. Daniel refused to allow even the smallest of worldly conveniences to come between him and his God. He took the initial step of consecrating himself to a life of holiness and left the results to God. Billy Graham said it like this,”Our job in life is not to be successful, but to be faithful.”
Holiness Keeps us Close to God
Perhaps Daniel had read in the book of Deuteronomy that “…God walks in the midst of your camp, …therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you” (Deuteronomy 23:14). What a powerful picture for the believer! We can know that our God is always with us. Just as He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, He walks with us. Just as He walked in the midst of the Israelite camps, He walks with us.
God desires to be as close to us as possible and draws as near as we allow. The only thing that can cause Him to turn away is if we allow unclean things in our home. The start of a new year is the perfect time for a house cleaning. Ask God to reveal any unclean thing you need to get out of your house and then do so.
God’s Favor Shines on Those Who Please Him
As a result of his commitment to holiness, Daniel was given tremendous favor throughout his lifetime. Further, the favor impacted multiple areas of his life. He was given bodily health and vitality (Daniel 1:15). God also gave Daniel knowledge and skills, along with the supernatural gift of interpretating dreams and visions (Daniel 1:17).
In addition, the king Daniel served under gave him gifts, rewards and great honor (Daniel 2:6). I personally believe all of these examples of favor stem from Daniel’s initial resolutions to remain holy in the sight of God. Living a life of holiness will put you in proximity to God and as a result His favor will flow in all areas of your life.
Millennium Tower Luxury Condos
In conclusion my thoughts turn to a 58-story luxury condo building in San Francisco that has been in the news. The skyscraper is sinking and tilting. Residents are concerned for their safety. The foundation was poured and pilings driven into sand but not to bedrock. Whether that is the culprit or not is being vigorously debated and litigated. Condos have flooded the market for resale. Many residents have lost money taking what offers they can get to get out of the building.
Regardless of what the builders purposed when planning the building, time will tell if the foundation is strong enough to support the building or not. Build the foundation of your faith upon the bedrock of holiness and you will see God’s favor on your life. As Edward Mote penned over two hundred years ago, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”