A revival wouldn’t be complete without making disciples. Thus, “outpouring teams” are the next step for Asbury University.
Outpouring Teams
Spontaneous meetings for revival were inspired by the Asbury Revival and spread to many American universities and schools. Many students have yearned for and pressed into God as they experienced the outpouring of His presence in their lives.
Students and professors at Asbury University have been sharing their testimonies from the experience. The outpouring hasn’t ended with the meetings, but is taking the next step by making disciples.

They are now focused on discipleship, and have set up “outpouring teams.” Asbury University students will be visit nearby churches in groups to share their testimonies.
National and Global Awareness
These outpouring teams are “both formalized and very organic,” according to the Rev. Greg Haseloff. He is the associate dean of spiritual life at Asbury, who told The Christian Post.
“In a very short amount of time, the 16-day move of God at Asbury garnered national and global awareness. The interest from churches, colleges and universities and other communities of faith was extremely strong — and came with the desire to hear a firsthand account,” Rev. Greg said.
“The outpouring received a broad affirmation of authenticity — which elevated the requests for teams — which also testified to the stirring hunger within the church to see a manifestation of God in our current world.”
Experiencing the Move of God
“The impact on the churches has elevated the desire of churches to experience a move of God, and to be a vital community of faith where they are,” Rev. Greg said. “They witnessed worship times extend beyond the normal expectation, and they’ve experienced amazing hospitality — communities hosting our students with great love, care, kindness and generosity.”
Around 30 to 35 Asbury students have participated in the Outpouring Teams, while up to 20 other students have gone to places and told their stories on their own.
According to Abby Laub, Asbury’s Strategic Communications Director, the outpouring teams are “all over” the area, and the number of team members sharing their experiences with churches and others “continues to grow.”
“Our students are amazing and have enjoyed the opportunities to share with others,” Abby told CP. “We are receiving many requests from all over and it’s beautiful to see how God is still moving through this.”
The Outpouring Teams
She noted that some of the small groups “are on campus and some are off campus.” Additionally, “many people have stepped up to walk alongside our students in discipleship and mentorship.”
“Our faculty and staff are continually amazed by how God worked and is still working and are remaining in a posture of service and humility,” she concluded.
It’s inspiring to see young people obeying the great commission of God. Before Jesus’ death and resurrection, He commissioned His disciples.
“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed” (Mark 16:15-18, NLT).
Now, we’re seeing it come to pass.
Header image: Savchuk, Vlad [@vladhungrygen]. Asbury Campus Revival. Facebook, 13 Feb. 2023, https://www.facebook.com/vladhungrygen/posts/753777992780266
Reference: The Christian Post