Theresa Thomas shared her testimony about how she was looking for love in the wrong places but God met her, where she exactly was.
Why Looking for Love in the Wrong Places
During her teenage years, Theresa tried to be accepted in any crowd. She tried hard to feel a connection that she didn’t get at home.
“I would do things that were outside of my character, but I would do them because I wanted to fit in. I would do all these things that everybody else is doing, but it still wasn’t good enough,” she said.
She said that she wasn’t cool enough and still didn’t fit in.
“I still was what they would say—lame and all these things. And I was like, “What am I doing wrong? Like, why isn’t it that I don’t fit in?”
Because of her desire for connection, she had an unhealthy romantic relationship.
“The relationship was not healthy at all in any shape or form. Eventually, it became abusive,” she said.
Looking for Love in the Wrong Places
Because of that, Theresa desperately prayed to God: “God, how did I get into this? How did I go from this girl who was with my family and all this—this young girl who everyone says was so happy—to this girl who’s so broken, so shattered, so lost, and so insecure?”
And immediately, she heard God speak, and He said, “I have better for you.”
“And I start crying, and I’m sitting there in that basement, and I’m just crying. I said, “God, I can’t do this by myself.” And He said, “I’ll be there for you.”
That’s all Theresa needed to hear.
Jesus became her everything. Her Lord, Savior, redeemer, healer, counselor, and friend.
New Life
“He is everything that I could possibly need on this earth and into eternity. … This is for those who feel as though you’re lost and that God can never love or choose you. Or you feel as though even life may not be worth living, knowing that if you’re breathing, you’re here for a purpose. Know that you are loved, that you were seen, that you were chosen, and that God wants nothing more than to have a relationship with you.”
“God wants nothing more than for Him to reveal all the beautiful things that He has placed inside of you. That you are not too far gone, you are not too lost, and you are not too dirty for Him to clean you up. There is a purpose for you on this earth. If you woke up this morning, there is a purpose for you, and the way you will discover that purpose is by having a relationship with the one who gave you that purpose—your Creator,” she concluded.
Reference: Delafé Testimonies
Header image: Theresa Thomas [Delafé Testimonies]. YouTube, 7 November 2023,