Pray for your spouse NOW. You haven’t even met yet, but that doesn’t matter. The fact is he / she exists and God knows exactly who they are. So there’s no better way to demonstrate your love for him / her than to pray for them every day. Pray that their work is going well, that they’re prospering. That their health is good, or where needed, improving. That they’re blessed in their relationships with family, friends and co-workers.
That they’re being blessed in every element of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit, increasing in wisdom and favour. That they’re being protected from any evil influence that seeks to overcome them.
Then finish your prayer with praise and thanksgiving that our Heavenly Father is the PERFECT match-maker: That He brought Adam and Eve together; He brought Isaac and Rebecca together; He brought Jacob and Rachel together; He brought Ruth and Boaz together.
So many single Christians, especially our younger brethren, end up obsessing over finding their future life partner. Sadly, many end up making poor decisions that lead them into temptation and all the pain that brings.
We can all avoid this if we’re willing to trust our Father with this critical part of our life. It never ceases to amaze me how little trust there is out there. One young woman once told me that she didn’t want to end up with a vertically-challenged, folically-challenged, horizontally-gifted man with a speech impediment. Though the terms she used were more direct.
But she and many others are forgetting that our Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves and is perfectly aware of what we find attractive and what we don’t.
The world tells us to put ourselves out there on social media and dating sites and apps. But they’re jam-packed full of dishonest representations, often with an evil agenda. The fact is, meeting your spouse can happen anywhere at any time. It’s rarely orchestrated by the individuals themselves. If God can synchronise the billions of parts needed to make life on Earth possible; how much of a challenge is it to stage-manage the coming together of man and wife who trust Him.
Start praying for your spouse today. You will be astonished at what process this sets in motion. Even though you haven’t even met, you will be led to start making preparations for married life: Getting in shape physically. Improving your living space. Ditching bad habits. Establishing good habits, consistent with living with someone.
If Christ is to be the Architect of our lives, the Author and Finisher of our faith, let’s entrust this entire process to Him. Meanwhile, while we wait, faithfully praying for the welfare of our spouse, we can concentrate on putting the Kingdom of God first and this essential element of a truly blessed and happy life will be added to us and thus provide the world with yet another demonstration of how all things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.
This post is written by James Glover