This is the year of seeing through fixed and focused frames, seeing in 2020. The Lord illustrated to me the problem many of us have is that we don’t adequately see how God is diagnosing our issues. But instead, we hide behind our abilities to plaster over long-standing issues. And we do this by simply replacing one broken thing with a seemingly viable replacement. The illustration came from the myriads of glasses I now have a collection of. Whereas, I should have checked which lense and prescription I actually needed. It was my immediate need that preceded the patience required to enquire and investigate for the best. This was my mode and it became my normal!
Go To God
In spiritual terms, we’ve stopped going to the Author Himself. He is the way to fully understand the changes within us and around us. There’s a great need to go to Him to get our eyes tested so there’s clarity, for short and long vision. As the Lord unfolded this to me, I asked for scripture to accompany and He duly gave me Exodus 20:20.
“And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin.” So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was.” (Exodus 20:20-21)

This was captured after Moses came down with the two tablet stones of God’s holy commandments. The Lord gave, in essence, the prescription to see, in the form of the commandments. To get clarity of the prescription, the people went to Moses to vicariously seek understanding on their behalf, as He would approach the presence. It shouldn’t be the case. The prescription was an invitation for depth in communion. The prescription was there to ensure that each would ‘work out their salvation with fear and trembling’ by pursuing the presence which is love. And that love is built on vulnerability before the Lord. Moses was a friend of God who would always seek and pursue. But God wanted to be Friend and Lover to all so they could also see and inherit. However, they settled for the normal and what is known, what is easy and what doesn’t cost.
The Cost Of Love
True love and relationship will cost something. What it is will always be revealed in the pursuit. What we must do is remove any and every type and kind of ‘middlemen’. These things invariably ensure what we hear and see is filtered not the original. Too many hands touching what we see compromises how we see. Moses was a man also after God’s own heart and always went beyond the prescription to the Healer himself. This was always the intention of God’s heart for the children of God in Moses’ time and throughout history. And it certainly rings true for us in 2020. The conjunction in ‘but’ being written before Moses choosing to seek presence highlights the fact that it was a choice for the people not to seek for themselves but Moses did. Again in the previous chapter in verse 17,
“Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.” They were brought near and given access for communion with the Creator of heaven and earth. Yet they chose for distance, so they could maybe hide, conceal and vicariously worship through Moses.
2020 Shift
This CANNOT be our disposition this year! We need to break the broken and compensatory frames and glasses. We need to go for a thorough precisional eye test. And the need for this year and decade for this eye test is an acute one. It shall heal and ensure we don’t make immature mistakes with misalignment, mistakes with presumptions, and mistakes with our speech and actions. We can’t afford for this in this period.
The rubber has indeed hit the road as our many man-made prescriptions haven’t worked. Apostle Peter’s exhortation found in his second epistle is apt for this year. He says, “For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.” (2 Peter 1:8). Shortsightedness and blindness are a byproduct of barrenness and unfruitfulness of our knowledge of God and His ways in our day! We cannot afford for these to haunt and control our narrative in 2020!
2020: Final Words
This is the year of the roaring lion! Those that know their God will do exploits! It happens and sustains from PRESENCE! The ability to navigate the difficulties, distractions, and challenge to get to PRESENCE, is what will be an integral ingredient in ensuring PRESENCE always works for you this year as we get the keys and clarity to inherit and occupy until He comes in every sphere the ekklesia needs to be as a corporate body and as individuals. Another byproduct of this is us knowing instinctively what to pray for and seeing answers littered all around us.
Rev Betty King